Album Reviews

Beyond the Cosmic Horizon SHM062
9 Original tracks. Running Time 40:06
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Having recently reviewed Sis last album, I thought I would have a listen to his new release. This time he is joined by Lisa-Cay on drums, synths, piano and acoustic
guitar, and flautist John McNally. Si has released a phenomenal amount of CDs, none of which appear to be of the same genre. His repertoire is astounding.
He latest release, Beyond The Cosmic Horizon, is a step beyond my musical comfort zone. Here we have a cacophony of musical influences melded together. Categorised as an instrumental electro/progressive jazz studio recording, this certainly includes all of the above, and more.
The listener is barraged with an aural assault of gigantic musical proportions. The mix of jazz with electro beats
is intriguing to begin with, but after a few tracks my senses were in overload, and I found myself having trouble processing the sonic excess.
I am sure there are many people who can appreciate what is on offer here, as the musicians responsible are of unquestionable high quality. It is just too extreme for my conservative musical taste. (Stefan Hennig/Dutch Progressive Rock Magazine)

Bass Wears Red SHM061
11 Original tracks. Running Time 39:06
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"For an artist who has released over 50 albums under his own name and has guested on over 100 more, I am amazed I have never heard of Si Hayden. To refer to Si as a guitarist, would be one of the greatest understatements ever. This guy plays every facet of guitar styles I have heard of, as well as piano, bass and double bass, as well as being a composer of film, TV, radio and theatre scores.
But what of Bass Wears Red & Laughs Like A Crow? Well two things struck me even before committing to listening to the disc. The first being the stunning cover artwork by Jonny Nicholds, and the second being Si's ability to come up with song titles which intrigue, before even listening to the music.
As for the music itself, you are in for one hell of a treat. What you are given is a stunning jazz rock album delivered by three talented musicians: Si obviously, who is accompanied by Denis Hay on double bass and drummer Ben Haines. But the listener gets far more than a traditional jazz trio. I have never heard the double bass sound so enthralling as an instrument to listen to as here. The sounds Denis produces are captivating, and ably supported by Ben's stylistic drumming. The rhythm section allows Si to produce far-from-typical guitar sounds over their scintillating background.
The one player that Si reminds me of the most here is Eddie Van Halen, in sound, playing and in his exemplary use of the tremolo. I'm sure you can all remember the first time you had the aural pleasure of hearing Eruption, and for those as long in the tooth as me, then the sudden realisation that guitar playing had been taken to a new level.
Every listen to Bass Wears Red ... provides new opportunities to be amazed by what you hear. And you discover something new every listen. It was probably the fifth or sixth listen when the production of the disc began to intrigue me. The crystal clear definition of all three musical instruments was something I had heard, but it seemed strangely out of place. Then it dawned on me, the experience I was having was as if I were in the same room, listening to these three musicians enjoying themselves and pushing their musical talents to the limits for my enjoyment.
This will be an album that does not stray too far from my CD player for the foreseeable future. Thank you Si for providing me with the pleasure of reminding me of why the guitar captivated me so much in my younger days, but at the same time for taking playing to the next level. Anyone with a passing interest in the guitar or discovering a new guitar hero, should (must) grab this album. Take my assurance, you will be glad you did."
(9/10 Stefan Hennig - Dutch Progressive Rock)

Guitar Tree Hill SRCD097
8 Original tracks. Running Time 37:15
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"inventive guitar playing, engaging song melodies, some furious soloing and the trio of musicians gelling throughout an album that exudes quality.
Intrigued, I have purchased several more of Hayden's albums, from solo acoustic live recordings, to his guitar rendition of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, and I am simply in awe of the man. If instrumental guitar-based rock music is your thing, then you definitely should give this album a listen. It won't disappoint.” 9.5/10
(Mark Hughes - Dutch Progressive Rock)
How do you actually move your fingers that fast on a guitar? (Ian O'Donnell MBE)

Process SRCD088
5 Original tracks. Running Time 45:23
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"Process is full of fast moving, dirty space-funk vibes; a fascinating listening experience. Those who enjoy the more obscure corners of the improv' and avant garde scenes will undoubtedly find much to treasure here.”
(Andy Read - Dutch Progressive Rock)
"Neither noodling nor noise: invigorating kitchen sink adventures of a coffee-fueled rhythm section: When musicians decide to improvise together without concurring on a theme or lapsing into a jam, results more often than not are cacophony if not catastrophy, yet drummer Vaughan and guitarist Hayden, who wielded a bass for their 2-hour session, serendipitously conquered the chances of calamity and produced something more than simply momentary magic. Disjointed and locking in at the same time, their instruments engage in arresting interplay where percussive telepathy floats to the surface and then flies out the window, together with caution, to land on ultimate unpredictability that is, rather unexpectedly, irresistible, so the hour spent in the company of this album may enrich the listener’s life experience."
(Dmitry M Epstein/Let It Rock)

Live at the Guildhall SRCD087
7 Original tracks. Running Time 33:23
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"A few years ago I bought Si's 20th album, remarkable! On calling on him for my inauguration celebration here at the Guildhall I have since learnt he's on his 42nd! For me, he is the best musician in Coventry!”
(Tony Skipper/Lord Mayor)
"Makes a guitar sound like a harp"
(Armstrong Guitars UK)

Si Hayden - 'Tales of Midnight Bass' (2016/LP)
SRCD083 8 Original Tracks, 3 Covers. R:Time: 35:54
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"incredible unadorned bass playing from the new album 'Tales of Midnight Bass'" (Roy Spencer [Folk Radio UK/Bright Young Folk]
Tales of Midnight Bass - 11 tracks: Solo bass, no effects, overdubs, loops or tricks, just a 1975 Fender Jazz plugged in; booming instrumentals and a handful of vocal numbers.

Hayden Haines - Casino (2015) LP/SRCD072
9 Original Tracks. Running Time 50:42
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#20 'Top Songs' in 'Art Of The Mix' new jazz in iTunes!
Silvery Records celebrates its 70th release with 'Casino' by Hayden Haines. A powerful funk jazz prog-rock fueled concept album telling the story of a delusional young gambling addict with a thirst for the fast-lane and a highly dissociative identity!
Bass guitar (Hayden) and drums (Haines) recorded together live at Bungalow Studio, Coventry. Guitars and vocals (Hayden) added at Groovefurnisher Studio Birmingham, UK, summer 2014.

The Immutable Acoustic (Live) SRCD073
9 Original tracks. Running Time 42:21
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Coventry-based guitar virtuoso Si Hayden played original compositions using a variety of techniques – fast fingered arpeggios, percussive slaps, flamenco strums, and with repeated use of the neck/fretboard showed he wasn’t afraid to take risks. Occasionally the sound was overly electronic, but a dazzlingly up-tempo version of Van Morrison’s ‘Moondance’ was particularly impressive. (Jazzwise Magazine)
"An Incredible Musician, we look forward to his return”
(Micheal Pipe - Promotor The Etshed)
"There's a nocturnal quality to Hayden's live playing that adds a patina of mystery and charm to this recording!" (AFG Guitars)
"Very tasteful guitar playing indeed! Nice one Si Hayden" (UK Flamenco Maestro David Shepherd)
"Si Hayden’s new live album The Immutable Acoustic shows a musician in his prime playing to a captivated audience. His relaxed yet accurate approach to solo guitar could be mistaken for a studio album, as the performance is so perfect. This is an album I will listen to again and again!" (International Jazz Guitarist David MacGregor)
"I want to introduce you to one of my top favorite acoustic guitarists, Si Hayden. His sound accompanied me through all my endeavors this week. I don’t actually know him, of course, but I am well acquainted with his music. Hayden’s music is calming, comforting, and inspiring for me, and I cannot think of a day that’s gone by where I haven’t pressed play on at least one of his songs." (Leanne Sype, Writings and Ruminations)

Si Hayden - 'Piano Wears Black & Howls At The Moon'
2015/LP/SRCD071 13 Original Tracks. Running Time: 37:34
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SilveryRecord's present 'Piano Wears Black & Howls at The Moon'. A romantic instrumental journey of charming and provocative balladesque originals with a hint of jazz for solo piano.
"DESCRIBED by Guitarist Magazine as a guitar virtuoso there cannot be many music lovers in the Coventry and surrounding area who have never heard or come across Si Hayden.
Si, of course, has written over 500 songs, appeared on over 60 albums, and released 28 albums during a career that now spans well over 15 years. He has also written music for film, TV and radio. He has even featured on an EP that also involved comedian Rik Mayall. Talking to Si you soon realise that being able to play an instrument is one thing but, for him, creativity and bringing something new to that instrument is everything. His enthusiasm and love for what he does also quickly rises to the surface. And guitar is NOT his only weapon of choice. (Pete Clemons, Coventry Telegraph)

'Live At The HinckleyACT' (2016)
(LP) SRCD082 - 16 tracks: 71:11
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"Five things to do this weekend; musical duo Si Hayden and David MacGregor will be playing at the Hinckley ACT tonight." (The Hinckley Times)
"Well we promised you fireworks, and I think you'll agree… they delivered!" (Pam London/HinckleyACT/2015)

'Live At Coventry Cathedral' (2014)
(LP) SRCD070 - 7 original tracks: 32:31
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"Leading Coventry guitarist and composer Si Hayden will play his newly commissioned suite for guitar" (Leamington Courier)
"Acclaimed guitarist and composer, Si Hayden performs his latest work in Coventry Cathedral. Coventry-born virtuoso guitarist, Hayden has collected top reviews for nearly 30 albums. One recent project creating a stir is his impressive guitar-based reworking of Vivaldi's Four Seasons" (Pete Willow/Coventry Telegraph)

Si Hayden - 'Vivaldi: The Four Seasons (Solo Guitar)' (2014)
(LP) SRCD069 - 12 tracks, Running Time: 42:21
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"Just Amazing"(Melodies & Memories)
"Incredible! This boy can play; we are going to cook something together" (Gilad Atzmon)
"The Four Seasons of Vivaldi performed by a fingerstyle guitarist? We leave you with Si Hayden's masterful interpretation"(Alejandro Clavijo/Reviews New Age)
"Si Hayden's most complete work. Interpreting the all the emotions Vivaldi first heard with astonishing technique. Album of The Year." (Kris Connolly/Art Into Heart)
"This one's a little bit different from prolific guitarist Si Hayden, a solo guitar version of Vivaldi's Four Seasons, there's no overdubs, nothing else, his own arrangement and apparently does not read music so has accomplished the whole thing by ear, pretty amazing! I hope you enjoyed that, I certainly did!" (Steve Passiouras/PBSFM/Australia)
"I have studied classical guitar for years, and for those who love it, here is a great musician running Vivaldi!" (Guitarist/Celso de Jesus, Brazil)
“We really like what you have done with the Four Seasons; it has been on repeat in the car for almost a month!” (Yamaha's Martin Adam/Guitar Product Marketing Manager)
This guy plays every facet of guitar styles I have heard of, as well as piano, bass and double bass, as well as being a composer of film, TV, radio and theatre scores. His version of Vivaldi's Four Seasons for acoustic guitar is simply stunning. (Stefan Hennig/Dutch Progressive Rock)
"Coventry-born virtuoso guitarist, Hayden has collected top reviews for nearly 30 albums. One recent project creating a stir is his impressive guitar-based reworking of Vivaldi's Four Seasons" (Pete Willow/CoventryTelegraph)
“I think what 2014 has reinforced with me is just how fortunate Coventry and its surrounding area is to have so much impressive, yet varied, talent right here on our doorstep. March saw the arrival of Si Hayden’s interpretation of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons on acoustic guitar. You may well be tempted to buy. If that is the case then just do it. Trust me, none of these album releases will disappoint.” (Pete Clemons, Coventry Telegraph)
"Si Hayden has taken on the monumental task of arranging the complete "Four Seasons" by Vivaldi for solo guitar; the first time this has ever been attempted. I approached my first listen with a measured degree of scepticism, but was treated to a lovely and unique take on these classic compositions. The works take on a fresh and charming new life when applied to the guitar, while still being satisfyingly true to the original melodies and harmonies. Occasionally Hayden employs various extended guitar techniques to achieve a desired effect, flirting with the limits of the instrument, and making for a particularly enjoyable listen for any guitarist. If you're already a fan of the original Vivaldi "Four Seasons," you will no doubt relish in this new and clever take on them." (© Timothy Smith/Minor7th)
"Coventry virtuoso challenges the world – and himself – to reading one of the most celebrated classical opuses with six strings only. For Si Hayden one acoustic guitar is a key to virtuosity, as he proved so many times before on records such as "Supercharger", yet tackling a piece as famous as Antonio Vivaldi’s quartet of violin concertos with no overdubs, for the first time on CD, feels like a feat – with no heroics attached. It’s a reverential interpretation faithful to the 18th century composer’s original, ...the guitarist adds a new layer to the classic without either embellishing or downgrading it, and it’s immensely interesting, up to intriguing, it’s not his boldness that impresses the most but the sheer beauty and wonder of the musical gauze being born, or rather reborn, before our very ears. A quiet triumph." ***** (Dmitry M Epstein/Let It Rock)

Si Hayden - 'Arbitrary Notes Of Reason' (2013/LP)
SRCD063 14 Original Tracks, 1 Cover. R:Time: 39:44
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"A f***ing revelation"
(The late legendary Roddy Felton)
"Si Hayden originally wrote and recorded "Soweto Groove" for fretless guitar. Then he recorded this double bass version. We may be partial, but we like the bass version best. (And here's the first link ever on No Treble to a guitar video, if you want to see the original)" (Corey Brown - Founder/CEO -

Si Hayden Ben Haines Adam Holt - 'H-Division' 2012
LP/SRCD054 10 Original Tracks. Running Time: 39:50
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"No bombast despite the H-Factor, a killer instrumental threesome exploring the most ethereal corners of rock idiom. Never the one to slow down his pace - which doesn't make the man a shredder, - Hayden closely follows 2011's "Supercharger", which found the British axeman on his own, with this album set up for a trio format. Surely, the criterion for inviting bassist Adam Holt and drummer Ben Haines to the party wasn't their surnames' first letter, as there's a telepathic sympathy in the ten tracks that - save, perhaps, for the sharply focused rage of enchanting "Altitude" (shouldn't it be "Attitude"?) - can be only loosely described as "rock" only because a shadow of fusion hangs over the proceedings and peaks familiarly in "Light-Com". Once the heavy riff of opener "Escape" gives way to notes that flutter rather than flurry over the brooding groove, a sunny vista is invoked into which "Vorcenellaraptorai" shoots a flamenco-tinctured twang. In "Azimodal Equinox", though, such a spank lies in a bass domain as the guitar steps behind the rhythm to color the gritty jive, but "Aperphelion" offers the listener a blissful electric flight across the acoustically rippling sky. Higher and higher, when it comes to "Zodiacal Apparition" the sensual soaring is somewhat undercut by the piece's motorik engine: kosmische musik it ain't, and here's the momentum gets lost, until "One Way" invites Hayden's harmonic riffola back. Powerful and imaginative work." **** (Dmitry M. Epstein - Let It Rock)

Si Hayden - 'Acoustic Lines' (2012/RNA Nominated)
(LP) SRCD061 - 9 Original Tracks, Running Time: 36:52
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"This standout folk-styled offering on Si Hayden's jaw-dropping album Acoustic Lines, has a beautiful Nick Drake quality about it, A noteworthy release." (Number 12 on the Top #50 ESSENTIAL TRACKS TO LISTEN TO THIS MONTH/Elegant-Savages Magazine)
"To say that Si is one of the best discoveries of Reviews New Age in a while is saying a lot and if we add possibly one of the best fingerstyle guitarists who has been through our site. A British guitar virtuoso who has collaborated with great musicians and performed in major venues, this has earned the affection of the public and a wave of amazing reviews, not only in his performances, but also in his works. Si plays showing an incredible technique without abandoning the development of melodies that set the pace. Acoustic Lines is nine composed pieces that will capture your attention from the first to the last. To start "Coasting", something soft and which serves as an introduction, is a piece that identifies with strength to the guitar label Windham Hill, the melody is gentle and peace is born between the strings of solos. With more pace and with an extraordinary laziness in harmonics is born one of the most interesting parts of this album. "Searchlight", lovely, it's warmth... how only an instrument can provide so many sounds and in such perfect harmony?. Fascinating!. With increased intensity and strength comes "Oversteer" a quick tap joined to blunt chords wielded with force. "Flower Girl" a gentle and melodic piece that relies on slides and soft arpeggios to offer a slight romantic touch to the theme, a piece that holds a strong feeling of affection, broken rhythms and catchy melodies, a unique and captivating style. 'Simple Things', another strong piece where Hayden is marking the tempo box coup and interprets at the same time, the beautiful melody. Another wonder of this CD! The real jewel of Acoustic Lines carries the title "Time Out". Complete in all respects, seductive and technically outstanding. Hayden made a masterful interpretation of this complicated piece, a music that falls in love from the first chord. The piece that shows the virtuosity of Si Hayden is "Nowhere to Run". A complicated web of chords, marked in box slides, taps and harmonics. Amazing! "Walnut Bridge", this is fast and with a light touch of American folk, which offers you a cheerful and positive feeling. Finally, Si advocates a very introspective composition. On this occasion makes no fast strumming or taps, leaving one end open for the listener. Performing a deep gentle melody, perfect for relaxing and meditation. Si is one of the best guitarist fingerstyle that can be heard, a true virtuoso of the instrument, a true delight to see him act or simply, listen to some of his work. Acoustic Lines is one of the most surprising CDs of the genious acoustic guitar that we have received. Very highly recommended!" (©Alejandro Clavijo/
"That "Acoustic Lines" is Hayden's 27th recording is just one of this British born virtuoso's intimidating achievements. Largely self-taught, Hayden has illustrated a restless temperament in his career, exploring a dizzying variety of techniques and styles, from Celtic to fingerstyle to jazz to Flamenco. His compositions incorporate percussive tapping, hopscotching harmonics, fast runs, and intricate picking spiced with impressive right-hand techniques typical of classical guitar, such as tremolos and rasgueado strumming. On "Acoustic Lines"' collection of nine standout originals, he displays more of his soulful side, highlighting his sure, graceful playing. Hayden has experimented in the past with a fretless guitar, using fingertips (rather than a slide) on individual strings; this novel technique is beautifully illustrated on the lovely "Coasting." "Nowhere to Run" is another knockout; moody and evocative, it begins with a Mid-Eastern vibe that transitions into a bluesy romp. On this arresting, eclectic collection, Hayden proves he should be much better known on this side of the Atlantic." (© Céline Keating/
"Fine Lines and Fast Tracks – The Guitar Art of Si Hayden. May 31, 2013
Si Hayden has produced twenty-seven albums of guitar music exploring improbable possibilities with his chosen instrument. However, all nine pieces featured on his most recent offering Acoustic Lines are stand up songs even though it’s his guitar that undoubtedly does all the singing. There are dozens of parts in these arrangements and a degree of complexity that would utterly confound amateur fingers. But the tunes speak clearly enough to even the most casual listener, for they use a comfortingly familiar etymology where no words are necessary to convey understanding. Acoustic Lines is solo guitar artistry in the spirit of Bert Jansch, Tommy Emannuel, Slowhand unplugged and Leo Kottke. But, the challenge for any accomplished player ploughing this furrow is to somehow make sure that his own voice is heard above the clatter of the inevitable comparisons. One way of doing that is to emulate Si Hayden and dispense with the genre-specific. You are then free(-er) to concentrate on personal expression. That is perhaps an incidental side-benefit of being self-taught. You absorb everything except the clichés. Hayden is an extremely rhythmic player who alights upon relatively simple melodic structures and festoons them with delicate grace notes and deft harmonics. 'Searchlight' and 'Time Out' are good examples of the “catch me if you can” elements of his technique. But he’s good-natured enough to let you stop and catch your breath on Nowhere To Run, an English blues with a mouthful of grass, and the sweet Flower Girl. Acoustic Lines sounds satisfyingly “live” and it clearly benefits from the decision to record all the tracks in one take. Certainly, it affirms that Hayden’s playing is tricky stuff but it’s achieved without studio trickery or sleight of hand. More than that, the immediacy of these recordings brings the tunes to life and conveys the power of delight in making music. Ultimately, Acoustic Lines is Si Hayden’s collection of evocative watercolours full of naturalistic scenes from the dark 'Forest' to the rippling, river of notes on 'Walnut Bridge'. The only slightly odd thing is that the opening tune 'Coasting' has such a strong melody that it might have occupied centre stage in the listings. However, I think it’s just a device to keep you listening on repeat play to this quite charming album." (©

Si Hayden - 'A Fistful of Grooves' (2012/LP)
SRCD057 - 15 Originals, 1 Cover. Running Time: 45:10
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"very nice guitar playing!"
(Roddy Radiation/The Specials)
".."You have a very cool and unique gift. I REALLY enjoy the playing and compositions." (Florida guitar legend Mike Pachelli)

Si Hayden - 'Don't Fret' (2012/LP)
SRCD055 - 12 Original Tracks. Running Time: 39.50
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"Si Hayden is from Coventry and recorded his first solo album in 1998. Since then, he has produced many recordings of guitar music exploring jazz, folk, rock and blues forms. In 2012 he released Don’t Fret, a ground-breaking adventure using a fretless acoustic guitar. He has also composed music for Coventry’s Belgrade Theatre and BBC Radio 4." (
"Don't Fret," 2012. Fretless acoustic? - those two words together would strike fear into the hearts of most players! Not so Si Hayden - great technique and style."(
"Gorgeous Sounds *****
Very original eclectic...elements of various styles including blues, folk, eastern and ornamentation. Lots of use of melodic minor. All in all beautiful, undiscovered treasure of an album by a fairly unknown artist that clearly deserves more credit. Get off the radio and play this album" (Ultrameend/iTunes/USA)
Si Hayden is already a well established guitarist having released 30 plus albums and performed on over 70 albums and guitar compilations. What sets this compilation apart is that all songs are recorded in a single take, with no overdubbing. Everything is played on a Fretless Acoustic Guitar with Steel Strings.
You can see Si’s mastery of the instrument is very well controlled yet rapid on the opening track “The Ball On Fool Hill” which gives way to a more relaxed track “Coasting”. “Ladysmith Groove” includes a lovely percussive effect to provide groove and ends with a slide harmonic – you cannot do that unless your guitar is fretless!
“Low Bee” is a cool almost drone type number. “Clowns at War” has an Arabic feel to the sound and is more modal than chordal and has a nice dark feel. On to track 6 “Birdy” very much more upbeat with a fresh feel some nice occasional microtones in there. “Soweto Groove” I already know as it appeared on Si’s Album “The Apparent Rules of Thumb” like track 3 (Ladysmith Groove) its got that African rhythm feel to it.
“A Perfectly Reasonable Reason” goes back to the darker modal playing taking advantage of the microtonal side of fretless guitar, showing a great feel for alternate scales and Makams.
“Wingin’ it Again” is hard to pin down, nice and percussive though with variable rhythms. “Ride” is more chordal and shows off nice right hand technique.
“Fretless Hypnosis” is just that – hypnotic great example of two threads mingling in a single piece of music, the album finishes off with “Valley of One Thousand Hills” has a very English feel and rounds off a very impressive album.
I do hope Si makes more fretless music, this is a great CD." (Jeff Jaloon/Author of Fretless Guitar: 'The Definitive Guide')
"Don't Fret," 2012. Hayden has experimented in the past with a fretless guitar, using fingertips (rather than a slide) on individual strings; this novel technique is beautifully illustrated on the lovely "Coasting." (© Céline Keating/

Si Hayden 'Supercharger' (2011/LP)
SRCD052 - 12 Original Tracks. Running Time: 48:27
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"Resonator instrumentals from the fast lane.
Coventry acoustic virtuoso Si Hayden has experimented in a variety of unconventional musical contexts - from live drum 'n' bass and jazz to Celtic and Spanish classical - than this solo-guitar instrumental outing lets on. All the songs were recorded on a resonator and. impressively, it was all done in just a single take.His technique shows the fingerprints of other musical forms, but for the most part, it's a mixture of blues and folk staples - with alternate picking, slide and percussive slaps evident throuout.Hayden wrings the most out the resonator's steely attack, offering up a bevy of harmonics and rhythmic possibillities along the way.Its no small feat to walk the line between accessible melody and fleet-fingered flash as expertly as this"Standout track: Time OutFor fans of: Tommy Emmanuel, Bert Jansch, Isaac Guillory" (UK Guitarist Magazine)
"A six-string virtuoso gives a master class of one-take approach leaving no space for casual spontaneity and the whole world for emotions. - With all his versatility, Si Hayden could have been a national treasure in the U.K. if only he had the rage of Rory Gallagher or the flash of Richard Thompson, but he prefers to keep it down and serious be it on his own or as foil for violinist Joe O'Donnell, or as multi-instrumentalist in jazzers MORLEY HAYDEN HAINES. And here's an example: Si's many musical faces are reflected, and refracted, in a dozen of acoustic guitar pieces that are being played as straight as a lace goes, with no overdubs to paint an additional, needless vignette. Still, the cover car is an amalgamation of the title track which marries Delta blues to flamenco to demonstrate Hayden's filigree finger-work, while the devilish slide that rides through "A Slight Tale" makes its ominous entrance in the sparse opener "Dusk" to set the agenda. Yet it doesn't prepare the listener for such deliciously lazy groove as the one under "I Roll" or the shadow of Indian chant of "Walnut Bridge". Whatever wide the maestro stylistic palette is, there's a wholeness to the album, a sign of Si's immaculate taste matching his delivery and making the result sharply focused and sensually riveting. Calm but cool." **** (Dmitry M. Epstein - Let It Rock)

Si Hayden - 'Live at The Hinckley Act Folk Club' (2011/CD+DVD)
SRCD048 - 8 Original Tracks, 1 Cover. Running Time: 36.05
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“An amazing guitar player and a firm favourite at the club”
(Keith london, HinckleyAct)
"Coventry label Silvery Records has announced the simultaneous launch of CDs by two of the area's most distinctive acts - guitar phenomenon Si Hayden and the incorrigible Blues and Soul duo SugarDaddies. 20th CD by Coventry guitar ace Si Hayden. 'Live at the Hinckley Act Folk Club' captures Si at his mesmerizing best at the unusual venue located in an industrial estate off the A5 which regularly features such top guitarists as Gordon Giltrap and Michael Chapman. A prolific recording artist since 1998, Si’s last live solo guitar album was recorded at the 2005 Coventry Jazz Festival." (Pete Willow/Coventry Telegraph)
"His style is certainly unique and interesting, His arrangement of Moondance (Van Morrison) was refreshing, combining the chord structure and lead melodies fluently and comfortably. Si followed with a piece called ‘Beginning’ from a musical he wrote for. It was somewhat like a Paganini piece, a mixture of dynamics, chord travelling and little hooks, his playing was intriguing and lively, filling the room pleasantly." (Editor/The Evil Jam)
The guitarist whose dazzling mastery of that instrument, and a few others besides, wins him admirers wherever he goes, Si Hayden, will be talking about career in, and love of, music. A few racks from the many albums he’s appeared on will be played, and he himself, with a little persuasion from the audience, may demonstrate some of his virtuosity by playing a few pieces on the day. (Kevin Cryan, Arts & Entertainment Coventry Central Library)

MorleyHaydenHaines - The Backra Instrumentals 2011
LP/SRCD049 15 Original Tracks. Running Time 50:25
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"Backra Men by Morley Hayden Haines has certainly came in from the left-field... no doubt there will be people who appreciate whats going on here..." (Andy Reilly - Is this music)
""..the freshest sound i've heard in years..." (bbc's John Butler)

(Live at the Gresham Metropole for the Guinness Cork Jazz Festival)
2010/LP/SRCD030 10 Improvised tracks. Running Time: 51:20
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There's something about poetry and well-tuned jazz musicians. Something coolly satisfying. This hip UK trio deliver lines that chime with jive and jazz, with Jonathon Morley's poetry standing closer to Gil Scott-Lennon rather than Leonard Cohen. A star quality jazz poetry session ahead. Line up: Jon Morley (voice) Si Hayden (double bass) and Ben Haines (drums) (Guinness Cork Jazz Festival)
The Cork Jazz Fest this year was amazing, the Everyman Palace Theatre Sun Ra Arkestra was wild! Gilad Atzmon, unknown to me at the time was outstanding, I went to the double bill for Jack Dejohnette as much as I enjoyed him, Gilad stood out world-class to say the least! Other artists I had not heard of before Milk & Jade, wonderfull fresh stuff and the jazz poetry session by Morley Hayden & Haines in the Gresham Metropole was fantastic! Roll on Cork 2010! (Lindsay Walker, Cork Jazz 6/11/09)

Si Hayden 'Spoilt for choice' (2011/LP/SRCD047)
10 Original Tracks, 2 Covers. Running Time: 40:48
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"He must have grew up a gamer to have fingers that quick; amazing guitarist"
(Peter Lang, fingerstyle pioneer)

Si Hayden, Ben Haines 'Mille Miglia' (2010/LP)
SRCD045 9 Original Tracks. Racing Time 42.24
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Silvery Records introduce 'Mille Miglia' by Si Hayden and Ben Haines. An instrumental jazz odyssey painting the story of Tony Rolt & Len Hayden's race across Italy during the 1953 Mille Miglia. Si Hayden ~ guitars & double bass. Ben Haines ~ drums - 2012 SilveryRecords2010 SilveryRecords, Format: Compact Disk, Cat no: SRCD045, Packaging: Jewel Case, Release Date: 11/22/2010, Sound Format: Stereo, UPC:884502905731 /Length :42.24

Si Hayden, Ben Haines 'Waiting Room' 2010/LP
SRCD040 7 Original Tracks. Running Time 44:34
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SilveryRecords present 'Waiting Room' by Hayden/Haines. A completely different instrumental blast to their usual past of jazz works. Steering clear of swing, this record is closer to a present day progressive rock power trio. Recorded live at Groovefurnisher Studio's, Birmingham on the 11th August 2010. All songs by Si Hayden and Ben Haines. Produced, engineered and mixed by Ben Haines. Mastered by Si Hayden. Artwork Photography © 2010 - Marta Kochanek / ©2010SilveryRecords UK. Format: Compact Disk, Download Cat no: SRCD040, Packaging: Jewel Case, Release Date: 30.08.2010, Genre: Rock: Progressive Rock, Sound Format: Stereo, Length: 40.34, UPC: 884502770872

Si Hayden, Ben Haines, Gaz Rollins 'Swim on by' 2010/LP
SRCD039 7 Original Tracks. Running Time 39.44
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SilveryRecords present 'swim on by' by Hayden, Haines, Rollins.
An original soundtrack to the film 'Reel Dreams'

Si Hayden, Ameet Gauher, Pritpal Rai 'Sunrise' (2010/LP)
SRCD042 8 Original Tracks. Running Time 44:44
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SilveryRecords introduce 'Sunrise' by Si Hayden, Ameet Gauher, Pritpal Rai. An instrumental jazz fusion of Tabla, Guitar, Didgeridoo, Piano, Organ and Double bass. Si Hayden ~Guitars, Piano, Organ & Double Bass. Ameet Gauher ~Didg, Pritpal ~Tabla

Si Hayden, Ben Haines, Nathan Folds 'Pianose' 2010/LP
SRCD034 8 Original tracks. Running Time 32:42
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Si Hayden: Piano
Ben Haines: Drums
Nathan Folds: Double bass
All seasoned performers with many prestigious jazz festivals to their credit, including: Guinness Cork Jazz Festival, Brecon jazz Festival, Brussels Jazz Festival and The HSBC Coventry Jazz Festival.

Si Hayden 'Sabaca' (2009/LP/SRCD024)
8 Original Tracks. Running Time: 35:44
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Following an exciting set at the 2009 Coventry Jazz Festival (3rd appearance since 2005) SilveryRecords introduce Si's 5th solo guitar album 'Sabaca' - "..I've been enjoying this cd..(Steve Passiouras, PBS FM)
"Hayden is a very acomplished guitarist, with a good range of styles and moods." (fROOTS Magazine)

Si Hayden 'The apparent rules of thumb' (2009/LP)
SRCD022 - 11 Original Tracks. Running Time: 34:15
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Track 7 “Soweto Groove” is played on fretless and very effective it is too. Like the rest of the album this has great rhythmic feel. The rest of the album is very pleasant listening, all solo guitar work mainly in a jazz style. Si is a competent precise player and with tracks like “Pass it on Joe” and “May you never Frisell Away” you might get an idea of where he is headed. Consistently interesting and varied, this is a great solo guitar album.
(Jeff Berg -
"Don't Fret," 2012. Fretless acoustic? - those two words together would strike fear into the hearts of most players! Not so Si Hayden - great technique and style."(

SRCD021 15 Original Track. Running Time 49:44
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Backra Man, the book: “Eric Gregory Award winner Jonathan Morley’s poetry startles with its originality and savage satirical voice. Polyphonic in its mingling of registers and with an omnivorous approach to poetry’s formal heritage, Backra Man confronts the topics of race, class and history in fresh and unexpected ways. Protean and ebullient, this debut ranges confidently from the delightfully and deliberately graceless to the coolly satisfying, taking in some streetwise dialect along the way” (Shearsman magazine).
"It's really nice to hear new music with real musicians, I do a lot of programmed music, but there is something organic about poetry and well tuned musicians. And Si's work is just great, the double bass playing is spot on... it really sounds like the musicians overstood the poetry. Nice one." (Benjamin Zephaniah)
"Poet laureate in waiting goes all the way to fusion and back - Ra." "They're a rare breed, great poets crossing over to music, and with only a couple of names springing to mind, Jonathan Morley, an Eric Gregory Award winner who researches T. S. Elliot's stamp over Carribean literature at the University of Warwick, stands closer to Gil Scott-Heron rather than Leonard Cohen. His lines chime with jive, so Morley teams up with guitarist and composer Si Hayden and drummer Ben Haines to deliver them in style. Cue this album, a companion piece to "Backra Man" the book (note the singular as opposed to the plural in the record's title), a jazzy experience which starts creepingly with Hayden's piano rippling over Haines' shadowy cymbals and Morley's gloomy voice reciting strange images. It resonates on many levels when the "Da Da dada dada" sets alliteration apace in "For Lee Miller", spanky bass brings funk into the "Loki's song" Gothic texture, and baroque country picking paints the "grass glares white" picture of "Spon". The music feels as strange as the poems but one fits the other perfectly. "Backra" means the evil white man, and this fusion of poetry and sparse melodies seems sinister indeed, yet it's not aggressive at all, save for the Rasta talk of "Sistah" that sounds melodius even without ragged accompaniment, whereas the "Duskfall" lace is pure elegance and "Iberian Baroque" gently takes a listener on an Indiana Jone-like adventure to the Indian pyramids. That's where the whiter shade of face re-appears. Haunting!" ****(Dmitry M. Epstein, Let it Rock)

Si Hayden 'Steel Roots' (2007/LP/SRCD015)
11 Original Tracks, 1 Cover. Running Time: 38:22
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"You might find a methodology to Hayden's playing, but every composition is so tailored with its own voice that it negates everything you have ever learned about method playing. These are not finger moves that are taught in school. They are moves with such imagination and independent thinking that they make you feel honored to hear them. The music has a striking star quality that few artists can achieve. Hayden uses no special effects or overdubs. His playing is divinely pure... Hayden's music falls between the lines that separate jazz from country, and his compositions certainly show that the two have more common factors than most music fans ever knew. You'll never believe that all of these movements are coming out of one acoustic guitar. There is a dreamy quality in Si Hayden's melodies that keeps your head floating up above the clouds while the country aspects in his music keeps everything feeling open and homey... A native of Coventry, England, Hayden's sonic vistas seem to come natural as he plays to the beating pulse of life with total abandonment of conventional methodology. Speaking of unconventional, Si Hayden is left handed and plays right-handed guitars. (Susan Frances,
"..a wonderfull guitar player, its a ripper cd... very very good!" (Steve Passiouras, PBS FM Australia)
" killer chops on most tracks.. "Moondance".. a true piece of art.. at times he reminds me of Tuck Andress in his jazzy approach with a lot of rhythm and bass runs going on" ('Bridge Guitar Reviews)
"a lot of jazz influence... walking bass lines, tapping, ..blazing scale work... great bluesy... funky groove, jazz chording's, some Spanish guitar flourishes, and lots of quick arpeggios... Si does have some chops..." (©Kirk Albrecht, minor7th)
" a fine display of Americana.. and there is some finger lickin’ pickin’ going on here.." (Is this music magazine)
"..Hayden’s trademark supersonic picking is present.. the six-string virtuosity shown on this album is irrefutable.. an album that stuns with its technical brilliance, then later endears you to the soul and depth behind the flashiness"(Peter Clayton, cdreviews)
"About a year and a half ago, I reviewed Si Hayden’s Nylon … for Now. I was very impressed by his solo acoustic guitar virtuosity. I still am, and I like Steel Roots even more. Hayden is still firing off dizzying runs, punctuated by percussive slaps against his guitar. His chord work is full and propulsive. The 12 tracks here are concise, melodic, often rocking. Hayden delivers toe-tapping bluesy jazz (the original “Flat Spot” and his smoking take on Van Morrison’s “Moondance”), folk-country (the leap-out-of-the-speakers opener “Ellya” and Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues”), Townshend-like power (“Hats Off to Pete Townshend” and “Just a Bit of Fun”) and flights of frenetic fancy (the dizzying “JD and Coffee” and the closing title cut). Hayden often deftly shifts genres several times within songs, and with only one track over four minutes long, Steel Roots delivers wallop after wallop of solo guitar goodness with no time for boredom to set in." (© Chip Withrow, musesmuse)

Si Hayden 'Nylon...For Now' (2006/LP/SRCD011)
7 Original Tracks. Running Time: 44:40
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"solo guitar mastery of U.K. based Si Hayden... The music may sound vintage but on his CD Hayden puts a new spin on a timeless art form. As he points out in his liner notes, all tracks were recorded with one guitar and no overdubs and all percussion is from the right hand on the guitar body while playing. A modern flamenco master, Hayden makes excellent use of his Ivor Maraints and Jose Ramirez guitars." (Robert Silverstein, 20th Century Guitar)
"This album is refreshingly honest - UK-based composer/guitarist Hayden plays the entire program solo and with no overdubs... flawlessly executes the genre's characteristic strums, descending single-string runs and soundboard taps... Yet he typically makes things more interesting by weaving more complex harmonies and smooth jazz elements into each of the tunes. Si Hayden's appeal comes from successfully melding flamenco with more modern sounds, and doing so without gimmicks or artifice. Both guitarists and general listeners will enjoy this CD; turn it up and enjoy." (©Patrick Ragains, Minor7th)
"...such an impressive guitar player and Nylon ... for Now is full of interesting music... dizzying flamenco-style runs... pretty, ringing arpeggios. He?s even better when he leans into some meaty rhythmic chording. Then there?s his unique percussion, which is him tapping on the guitar?s wood body. I wish he?d do it more often on this album, but these tracks were recorded in single takes, and providing all that rhythm on top of breakneck picking is, I?m sure, hard work. Fans of guitar virtuosity should check out Si Hayden... a few listens made me appreciate it on a heart-and-soul level as well as a technical one." (©Chip Withrow, musesmuse)
His solo classical-Spanish style guitar playing, peppered with pepper, funk and drumnbass, takes your breath away like a sledgehammer to the chest" (The Shiznit Magazine)
"we couldnt help but catch up with Si and his silvery-toned guitar after being very impressed with his nylon-plucking skills" (BBC Warwickshire)
Mark B: "Love what you're doing bro; may have to borrow some of that"

Si Hayden 'Live in 05 at the Coventry Jazz Festival' (2010)
(LP/SRCD032) - 9 Original Live Tracks. Running Time: 42:55
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"Home-grown favourite Si Hayden makes a return" (CVone Coventry Rhythm Festival)
"Si's fantastic technique and style on the guitar always goes down a storm at the festival and it was great to welcome him back! (Chris Davis/HSBC Coventry Jazz Festival)
"On Saturday, the programme was packed with concerts including a free musical afternoon at The Tin Angel with Si Hayden. The solo jazz guitarist kicked off the day’s events to a delighted crowd." (Coventry Telegraph)
"A classical Spanish style guitarist, who will blow you away with his jazz, latin and funk infused songs. How he manages it all on just a 6 string guitar still amazes us. You will have to see him to believe it! (AcousticLounge, Clapham)
"one-man musical magician fusing funk, jazz and a splash of drum'n'bass in a single flamenco styled nylon-stringed guitar" (Warwick Core)
"Si Hayden left members of the audience in wonder of how anyone could deliver such harmony and rhythms of complexity using a six string, steel strung acoustic guitar" (Alvin Leon/AQT/UK)

Si Hayden '2001: A Bass Odyssey' (2001/LP)
SRCD02 - 9 Original Tracks. Running Time: 34:55
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"Love what you’re doing here Si’ (Hip Hop Producer & Artist 'Mark B'/2001)
"A lush and dizzying instrumental effort with astonishingly warped breakbeats... the beautifully sculpted ‘Bass Space’ is a soulful work of art” (Beatjunkie/2001)

Si Hayden 'Steel Happenings' (1998/LP)
SRCD01 - 7 Original Tracks. Running Time: 31:05
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"Coventry's Si Hayden simply blew us away with his intricate finger skills (BBC C&W)
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